IR information
Wallenstam’s IR work is carried out on the principle of up-to-date, correct information. Our share is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap.
You can find facts and figures here that are of interest to shareholders, investors, analysts and people who have a general interest in Wallenstam.
Video comment, interim report Jan- Jun 2024
"Wallenstam is a company with a long-term focus, where we deliver over time regardless of the economic situation. We are following out business plan, something that helps our shareholders, financiers, employees and others in our external environment to know what we want to do as a company and where we are going. This creates transparency, predictability and confidence for our stakeholders, and contributes to a less volatile share."
Susann Linde, CFO and Head of Investor Relations
Investing in WallenstamBusiness plan 2023-2030
The net asset value shall amount to SEK 100 per share.
Focus areas
- Customer: We shall improve the customer's overall impression of Wallenstam every year through attractive apartments and premises as well as good service.
- Securiy: We shall strive to ensure increased security for our customers that live and work in our properties.
- Employee:Through our strong corporate culture, we shall be an attractive employer and improve our Engagement Index score every year.
Wallenstam’s consolidated accounts are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and IFRIC interpretations. Wallenstam switched to reporting in accordance with IFRS as of 1 January 2005.
For Wallenstam's accounting principles, please refer to the annual report page 46 et seq.